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How Driver App Features Benefit Drivers In Taxi Business?

You should have an efficient mobile service for your business to stay competitive on the market. Technology has witnessed many innovations in recent years. Taxis aren’t an exception. Taxis will be different from competitors by being able adapt rapidly to new services such as Uber-like or car rental companies that can offer similar services at lower cost and still provide better customer service than traditional taxi services.

There are diverse taxi apps. However, one type is for established companies that are in need of help. The app lets customers to book rides and grow their client base. It also aids drivers find potential fares quicker than ever before.

The team behind the development recognized the different requirements of both drivers and passengers This led to the creation of two separate applications. This gives drivers as well as passengers more controland allows them to access features they require.

The Driver Apps Must-Have Features

The taxi industry is faced with increasing competition. One of the most important aspects of keeping customers loyal is to make sure that drivers have access to their application. Driver-friendly features will allow new customers as well as those who are already customers to concentrate on the task with less hassle which eventually results in more efficient service delivery for all.

Vehicle Tracking System

Drivers prefer mobile apps that are effective and efficient for their job. The GPS tracking system tracks the location of passengers, but once they have shared their permission it becomes easy for drivers to locate them whenever they need.

Button Availability

Drivers are now able to make use of their smartphones to signal that they’re available for any new requests or pick up any information. They will now be notified when there is a request. This will allow them to locate a new fare as well as details such as the location.

Driver Dashboard

The new feature will enable drivers to compare their performance against other drivers, as well as gain valuable statistics about their journeys. Customers can also review feedback from their previous rides to determine any comments that were positive or negative which were posted by passengers prior to deciding if this is something that should be improved upon to improve their performance in the future.

Email & SMS Alerts

Important notices will be sent to cabs by text message or email. You can respond to your passengers’ inquiries using an easy interface. This is great for both passengers and the cabs.

Start/End your ride

The easiest method to find the location you want to go is by using maps. The map will indicate the places where drop-off and pickup locations are available making it more accessible to all participants.

Accept/Decline Cab Requests

The person who is notified will know within a few seconds when the driver is willing to accept or deny their request to transport. If the driver does not respond within 15-30 second after receiving the message via the app, it means that there are no cars within the vicinity that could transport them.

For more information, click driving apps to make money

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